Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12: Starting work & getting to know the locals

The March Developing World Connections Kep team has arrived and all is well. Working with Equitable Cambodia, we have started 2 latrines in Chamcar Bai for to families that live beside one another.

There are wonderful people who are working along side us. The mother and grandmother of both families are bringing us fresh coconut each morning for our break. We watched the young lad cling the tree to bring the coconut down. It does not get much fresher than that!

The children at the work site were a little shy when we arrived, but they have warmed up and love doing the high and low five. A few learned how to "pound it" and they prefer that now!

We have lunch at the Vine restaurant and the food is fantastic! On day one, the lady Phantom (the wonderful cook) served us a salad of green papaya and shrimp. It turned out to be Don's favorite as he cleaned that plate completely.

Day 2 brought some excitement as it was very hot out and we could start to see the fruits of all the labour. Latrines are starting to look as they should. We did have one incident where the scaffolding collapsed and one of our team members had to take a day off with a bruised shoulder. He will be back to work the next day. Very nice how the locals gathered around to take care of the injured. It made all feel like we are a team: DWC participants and the local family members together.

Wade Billey
DWC Team Leader
Cambodia, March 2014

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